High court case status. A platform used to verify the authenticity of Court Orders.
- High court case status Judge Wise: Free Text Search eCourt India Services, Services related to District Court & High Court,Case Status, Court Orders & cause List Case Status. Complaint No. 103, Mozilla Firefox® v66. Note: 1. Status of a Case / Filing / Order Status could be found through either High Courts of India: High Court of Jharkhand . Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act Case Status : Search by Case Type. 1997 High Courts of India: High Court of Orissa . Advocate Name. Home; Resources {link:src=portal-url/case-status&title=Case Status} Honble Judges Filing Status - Principal Bench Judgments Portal Cause List Portal Neutral Citation e-Court Services e-Filing District Judiciary Administration - Principal Bench Administration - Madurai Bench Case Status - Principal Case Search By Petitioner / Respondent Name: Nature of Case Name Year of Token Enter code as shown in picture * * * Audio not Patna High Court is the leading High court in India to Computerise Cause List Management System in 1992. Judge Wise: Free Text Search Daily lists record the time, location and other information about court hearings. 2025 : Consultant (Judicial Infrastructure), High Court of Megh Notification 07. Whether an Ex-Director of the company, having resigned is liable to be proceeded against or they are liable to be exempted? HELD: Financial year for 1997-98 commenced from 01. Check Succession Cases. We had also taken initiative in successfully experimenting trial of accused through video-conferencing between Designed and Maintained by High Court of Gujarat & National Informatics Centre(NIC), Government of India This site is mobile compatible & best viewed in Firefox version 5 or above and IE versions 9. Justice T. Please enter case year Notification. 02. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act Calcutta High Court - Original Side. I. Find the objections, decree and notification details of each case. The Case Tracker allows users to search for information on applications or appeals in the Court of Appeal, Civil Division. Order Date. Justice High Courts of India: High Court of Andhra Pradesh . Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act High Court of Chhattisgarh . to Consider Applications of Advocates who have applied through Sindh Bar Council for Exemption from required legal Misc. Consequent upon the State of Mizoram Act, 1986, the Aizawl Bench of the Gauhati High Court was established on 5th July, 1990 as the permanent Bench of the Gauhati High Court with Andhra Pradesh Case Status. , Platform is designed, developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, High Court Library; Registry Officer's; Virtual Courts Gallery; Photo/Video Gallery; RTI Rules 2005 & Notifications; Lok Adalath-Statstics; Committees; Supreme Court of India; Case Status(SC & HC) Judgments; Department of Justice; Supreme Court Legal Services Committee; High Court Legal Services Committee; The Orissa High Court Video Conferencing for Courts Rules, 2020; High Court of Orissa Live Streaming of Court Proceedings Rules, 2021; Rules of The High Court of Orissa; The Arbitration Handbook; Odisha Senior Court Manager and Court Manager of the High Court and District Courts Rules, 2020; High Court Guest House Rule; PIL; Civil Procedure CASE STATUS INFORMATION SYSTEM. Filing Number. Cases by Party Name; Search by Crime/ST Number; Status of Changed Case Type / Case Number, Lucknow Bench; Pending Cases Relating to MPs/MLAs; Advocate. * Case Type Select Case Type Compulsory Field UNDER ARBITRATION ACT(68) AS - ADMIRALTY SUIT(51) CA - CIVIL APPLICATION(3) CAR - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT REFERENCE(52) CC - CRIMINAL CONFIRMATION CASE(41) CCASE - CRIMINAL CASE(42) CECGA - CENTRAL EXCISE & CUSTOMS GOLD CONTROL APPLICATION(54) Case Status : Search by Case Number How to 1. E. VACANT POSITIONS (Click Here for Online Applications) (+92) 05822-924306; info@ajkhighcourt. Aizawl Bench: Judges Bungalow. CASE STATUS JUDGES' LIBRARY VIRTUAL JUSTICE CLOCK e-SCR. search case calendar holiday list notices original side appellate side high court at calcutta display board ecourt tender notices pendancy of cases Judges Sesqui centenary Celebrations Case Status. gov. Click on the Go button, to get the Case satisfying the given Case CASE STATUS: 1: Case Number: 2: FIR Number: 3: Party Name: 4: Advocate Name: 5: Filing Number: 6: Act: 7: Case Type: 8: Caveat Search: 9: by Content owned,maintained and updated by High Court of Kerala Website Managed by e-Committee,High Court of Kerala Screen Reader Access ×. Judge Wise: Free Text Search CASE STATUS BY NAME: Nature of Case Petitioner/ Respondent Name Year of Token Enter code as shown in picture * * * Audio not Patna High Court is the leading High court in India to Computerise Cause List Management System in 1992. Users can view case statuses, court 'Humour in Court' is an endeavour of the Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence Committee of the High Court of Delhi to capture such moments and preserve them for posterity. 0 or above Case No. Enter the Captcha (the 6 alphanumeric characters shown on the screen) in the text box provided. Party Name. B. NIC developed new website. Certified Copies. Filling Number. Please enter case number Case Year. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act The Meeting of Hon'ble Administration Committee of this Court is Scheduled to be held on 18-05-2024 at 11:30 A. 205: Committee to ensure the construction Calcutta High Court - Appellate side. Cause List (NJDG) Cause List Content Owned by High Court of Andhra Pradesh For Family Justice Courts cases, key in and search by case number. Visit here calcuttahighcourt. Judge Wise: Free Text Search Case Number: Institution Date: Case Status: Hearing Date: Tentative Date: Case Stage: Short Order: Before Bench: Parties: Disposal Date: Advocates (plaintiff): Advocates (Defendant): FIR #: FIR Date: Disclaimer: The content available on High Court of Orissa . Welcome to the official site of Calcutta High Court. Order/Judgement . gok. High Court of Andhra Pradesh – Microsoft Teams Meeting ID’s and Pass-codes for Hearing of Cases through Hybrid Mode from 29-01-2024 – Regarding. In the Case Number box, enter the Case Registration Number. M. 21/02/2025. Previous Next. Hon'ble Chief Justice; Hon'ble Mr. Neutral Citation. Check Status: Filing Search Diary No. Captcha Captcha * It deals at first instance with all high value and high importance civil law (non-criminal) cases, and also has a supervisory jurisdiction over all subordinate courts and tribunals, with a few statutory exceptions. In addition to the daily lists the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court publish information about upcoming hearings. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act Check Status: Filing Search Diary No. B41/2024 B42/2024: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v. Check the case status of Bengaluru, Dharwad and Kalaburagi benches of the High Court of Karnataka. (Case date within only current week are confirmed) 2. Case Orders/Judgement (NJDG) Case Number. e-High Court Report. They are displayed in each court and published on this website usually after 4 pm on the day preceding the day of the hearing. Search Advocate. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. View our frequently asked questions. Judge Wise. Website is best viewed through Chrome v73. High Court of Kerala . Case Status : Search by Case Number Old Case Number New Case Number * Case Type Select Case Type Compulsory Field * Case Number Enter Maximum 7 digit of Case Number Compulsory Field * Year Please Enter Year in 4 digit Compulsory Field . High Court of Karnataka- Principal Bench at Bengaluru . Case No Case Title Decision Date View; 2023/2023: 'Humour in Court' is an endeavour of the Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence Committee of the High Court of Delhi to capture such moments and preserve them for posterity. It helps individuals stay updated on case progress and court proceedings. Learn More. Case Status (NJDG) Case Number. High Court of Madras- Madurai Bench of Madras High Court . 04. Short Title. Enter the Captcha (the 5 digit numbers shown on the screen) in the text box provided. 3683. If your browser is older, you may have trouble viewing many of our web site features Check Status: Filing Search Diary No. Case Status : Search by Case Number Old Case Number New Case Number * Case Type Select Case Type Compulsory Field * Case Number Designed and Maintained by High Court of Gujarat & National Informatics Centre(NIC), Government of India This site is mobile compatible & best viewed in Firefox version 5 or above The Gauhati High Court- Principal Seat at Guwahati . 100471 OF 2023 Order dated 20/02/2025 ; Matter relating to POCSO Act-SRI B. in for causelist cause list cause-list case-status case status order judgement etc. Notification Press Release - Release of eGujHC Vision Document of the High Court of Gujarat on 07-12-2024 [09/12/2024] Hon'ble Judge: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act Click Search button to view current status and history of the case; If you don't know the CNR number of the case, click on the Case Status icon on the left menu to search the case with Search the status of a case by case number, case type and year in the Madras High Court website. Andhra Pradesh Case Status. J Hutchinson Pty Ltd (ACN 009 778 330) & Anor Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v. High Court of Bombay- High court of Bombay at Goa . Find the current status and history of any case by entering the 16 alphanumeric CNR number or other options like case registration number, party name, advocate name etc. Click on either the Pending or Disposed option button, according to the status of the Case. YEDDYURAPPA, Former Chief Minister - WP 15522 OF 2024 and Connected Order dated 07/02/2025 CASE STATUS INFORMATION SYSTEM. Search by Case Number; Search by Filing/ Token/ Diary Number; Search by Party Name; Search by Crime Number; High Courts of India: High Court of Orissa . 6. Cause List (NJDG) Cause List Content Owned by High Court of Andhra Pradesh High Court of Patna . SEARCH BY Registration No Filing No; Advocate; Party Name; Trial Court; CD SEARCH BY CD No; Main Case No; Filing No; Advocate Code; Note : CD - Certified Document This website belongs to High Court for the State of Telangana. Party Name Advocate Name FIR No. Search Cases Select Type of Search, Enter your details then click on Search button. Case Status. This service provides online access to the functioning and case details of High Courts across the country. Supplementary Constitution of Benches at High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur W. 1. Advocate's Case(s) Listed - Date Wise; Advocate's Case(s) Listed Today; Case Status : Search by Case Type. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act On re-organization of the North-Eastern region by the North Eastern Area (Re-organization) Act, 1971, a common High Court was established for the five North-Eastern States Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya and Tripura ) and the two Union Territories ( Union Territory of Mizoram and the Union Territory of Arunachal Pradesh) and called as the Gauhati High Court. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act Newsletter of the eCommittee, Supreme Court of India: November,2024 Order 12. Orders. Click on the Go button, to get the case satisfying the Case Number search criteria. 0. Please contact the concerned Case Branch to get the missing / wrong data (if any) updated on the System High Court - Case Status . The High Court consists of 3 Find information related to Cause Lists, Judgments, Daily Orders, Notifications and Announcements of Madras High Court Search case status by petitioner's or respondent's name in Uttarakhand High Court. Case / Filing Status. This site is hosted by National Informatics Centre (NIC) and provides eCourts services for high courts and district Search for case status by party name, case number, filing number, advocate or FIR number in various courts across India. Judge Wise: Free Text Search High Courts of India: High Court of Himachal Pradesh . Verify Court Orders. FIR Number. Users are also able to search for information on applications or appeals heard in the last 90 days. Click on the Go button, to get the Case satisfying the given Case Designed and Developed at High Court of Himachal Pradesh. Select the Case Type from the Select box. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act High Court of Madras- Principal Bench of Madras High Court . Aizawl Bench Old Court Building. A platform used to verify the authenticity of Court Orders. 3. Captcha Captcha * Back. Hearing Dates after current week may be changed. Public Notices . Hindi Judgement . Captcha Captcha * 'Humour in Court' is an endeavour of the Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence Committee of the High Court of Delhi to capture such moments and preserve them for posterity. Case Type Please select case type Case Number. Page rendered in 0. 0 or above Find information related to Cause Lists, Judgments, Daily Orders, Notifications and Announcements of Madras High Court Click Search button to view current status and history of the case; If you don't know the CNR number of the case, click on the Case Status icon on the left menu to search the case with other options like case registration number, party name, advocate name etc. CERTIFIED COPY STATUS. Find links to other related sites, FAQs, forms and terms and conditions. pk; Judgments; District Courts Mzd; Home CASE STATUS. Caveat No. Status of a Case / Filing / Order Status could be found through either of the following options. Captcha Captcha * High Court of Rajasthan- High Court Bench at Jaipur . Captcha Captcha * We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Case Search Case No. S. Information is provided in good faith for the convenience of court users and others. Notification Press Release - Inauguration of SARAS Remote Adjudication Courts for Negotiable Instrument Cases by High Court of Gujarat on 07-12-2024 [09/12/2024] Misc. Click on the Go button, to get the Case satisfying the given Case High Court of Bombay- Bench at Aurangabad . Select the Case Type from the select box. Judgements. Only Case # field is mandatory. Case Status : Search by Case Number How to 1. Schedule for conducting Certificate Verification to the posts of Court Masters/Personal Secretaries to the Honourable Judges and Registrars in the service of the High Court for the State of Telangana 2025 -Regarding NOTICE - The National Lok Adalat is scheduled on 08-03-2025 throughout Telangana State. Important Judgments. Check Case Status. How to 1. Captcha Captcha * Calcutta High Court - Appellate side. The portal allows the member of public to self-search case information. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act; Case Type; Content on this website is Designed by the High Court of Tripura, Agartala and Site hosted by :National Informatic Centre,Tripura State Unit CJ & SITTING JUDGES. JUDGEMENTS. pdf; Endt No. If you do not know the case number, key in and search by hearing type (eg, mention, case conference, mediation, hearing) or case type (eg, MSS, SS, FC/D), and additionally filter by “Courts” to “Family Justice Courts” and filter the “Date” to the date of your court attendance. 4. Case Type. 5. Cause List of AJK High Court. Litigant public may approach Legal Services institutions in the RFA NO. Aizawl Bench New Building. For any query regarding recruitment Contact: 0177-2888407, 2650111, 2558831, 2650307. 2949/Checker Case Status. Online videos to help guide you through the legal process, & answers to Help Check Status: Filing Search Diary No. F. Last Updated: Feb 15, 2025Feb 15, 2025 High Court of Bombay- Original Side,Bombay . 2. Captcha Captcha * Designed and Maintained by High Court of Gujarat & National Informatics Centre(NIC), Government of India This site is mobile compatible & best viewed in Firefox version 5 or above and IE versions 9. LAC/LR No. Commercial Court Statistic; appearing in this Court in their cases, over . Captcha Captcha * The Gauhati High Court- Principal Seat at Guwahati . eSCR All High Court. Lower Court Impugned Order Referred Cases: Certified Copy/Inspection: Copy Petition: Inspection Request: Download Uncertified Copy Apply e-Copy/Inspection online: Judgment Search: Case No. to Consider Applications of Advocates who have applied through Sindh Bar Council for Exemption from required legal training of Experiance as required under section 27(c) of legal Practitioner of Sindh Bar Council. The E-FILING website enable people with visual impairments Content Owned by District Court Kolar Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. 3 or an equivalent browser software. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act How to 1. In the Year box, enter the Case Registration Year. We had also taken initiative in successfully experimenting trial of accused through video-conferencing between High Court of Bombay- Bench at Nagpur . Select state, district and court complex to view case details and High Court of Judicature at Allahabad A; A-A; A+; HOME; Case Status. High Court of Rajasthan- Rajasthan High Court Principal Seat Jodhpur . Amarnath Goud This tool enables users to check the current status of their cases by providing details like case number or party name. Case Number; FIR Number; Party Name; Advocate Name; Filing Number; Act File a Case. , Platform is designed, developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Case Status : Search by Case Type. portal where users can search and confirm all advocates in the country Search Pending Case by Year & Number; Search by Party Name; Search Complain Cases by Party Name; Search C. 0222 seconds. Allahabad High Court; Andhra Pradesh High Court; Bombay High Court; Calcutta High Court; Chhattisgarh High Court Designed and developed by Computer Cell of High Court and Hosted by NIC High Court of Madras- Principal Bench of Madras High Court . Click Search button to view current status and history of the case; If you don't know the CNR number of the case, click on the Case Status icon on the left menu to search the case with other options like case registration number, party name, advocate name etc. yssle emzdl gaeurph hyxm sltvjw led bkobsr oqapj efto jzxr egffuo yuu adpisj bsqwfe ikbm